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necessary product中文是什么意思

用"necessary product"造句"necessary product"怎么读"necessary product" in a sentence


  • 必要产品


  • Closet door necessary product series
  • Customer first - help the customer to realize the idea , assist the customer to look for the necessary products , as a foundation of our development to firmly believe the customer satisfiedly
  • After receiving the consumer complaint samples delivered from bottlers , immediately conduct the necessary product testing and prepare the report . share the result to bottlers and co - packers for their corrective actions
  • Part i of this thesis starts with the argument on the natural trend of currency development , explaining that currency is the necessary product of the evolution of commodity value and the natural result of economic development
  • Presently , ic is an important and absolutely necessary product that the thriving electronic industry is relying on in order to continue its development , therefore , it goes without saying that it is very important
  • " the exquisite silk skill raises " is specialized for the star classhotel , the upscale office , the teahouse , the villa and the commercialspace proides the whole to match plays the part of the designsolution and the necessary product soft decoration planning board
  • This company specialized production each funds guards against the static electricity work shoes , purifies the shoes , clean shoes 、 the work clothes , clean the clothes , the necessary product has the pad , the hand ring - like scallop , clean the paper , clean finger set , the glove , the turnover box , the handcart and so on each kind guards against the static electricity series product
  • Everybody knows home appeared now a lot of so called " collects money illegally to absorb the phenomenon such as public deposit " illegally , so their occurrence , it is the necessary product that social progress brings civilian capital how to be used , whether should the government consider legislation to have standard and guided problem to its ,
  • We always have it in our mind that service is playing a vital role in the successful promotion of a product in a foreign market . our research development department now includes eight skilled technicians , they are well - educated and well - trained , and they have the full capability to provide comprehensive customer support after getting necessary product training . we really appreciate your evaluation to our company as a company who can help you successfully introduce and promote your products in chinese market , and keep increasing the market share continuously by mutual efforts
    随着国内医疗水平的不断提高与进步,建设现代化康复中心的需求不断增多,我公司与意大利著名a - circle s . p . a .集团公司携手合作意大利a - circle s . p . a .集团公司已经在意大利规划建设康复中心和水疗中心150多家,并与意大利多家甲级足球俱乐部有着密切的合作关系,现该公司业务已经遍及整个西欧,综合我公司的其它产品资源,积极推广世界先进的康复新理念。
  • This series of products , featured with dedicate making , full and natural color , complete specifications , wonderful colorfastness and water adsorption , convenient washing , long service and deformation , are necessary products for dinner tables of hotels and restaurants and also an investment for a long - term returns
用"necessary product"造句  
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